Hillary Weisselberg

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Who is Hillary Weisselberg

Hillary Weisselberg is known as wife of former CFO(Chief Financial Officer) of the Donald Trump's Organization whose name Allen Weisselberg. He is American Businessman. 

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CFO Allen Weisselberg

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Hillary Weisselberg is Stockholder in many well known Business units and National corporation. As per the sources, She owns equity shares of $20 million approx. As per the sources that she lived with 

Hillary Weisselberg Wiki

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her husband and sons in Wantagh, New York. There house is Ranch-style. In 2013, They sold old house and shifted to luxury apartment in Riverside South urban development project by the Trump's organization. 

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Hillary Weisselberg Children

Children- 2 Son's name- Jack Weisselberg(Loan Origination Executive at the Ladder Capital) and Barry Weisselberg(Manger in the Trump's Organization's central park ice rinks. 

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Hillary son's Jack and Barry

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Hillary Weisselberg husband charged for Tax Fraud

On 18 August 2022, Hillary Weisselberg husband Allen found guilty for 15 counts of tax evasion which involve heavy amount of $344,745 approx. He committed fraud while working in Trump's organization  as a CFO(Chief 

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Financial Officer) for last 15 years. Now, He is ready to give his testimony against the Trump's real estate company. Allen's and Hillary daughter-in-law Jennifer Weisselberg allegedly made some remarks on the personal relationship in between Allen and Trump. 

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Jennifer also state that Allen had more feelings and affection for Trump rather than his wife. She also state that Trump had used him for business and Allen has relationship like a love affair. 

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