Who is Tony Sirico

Sirico died in assisted living facility in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, his manager said, Bob McGowen. There is no immediate information of the cause of death.

Tony Sirico Real name is Gennaro Anthony Sirico Jr  was born on July 29, 1942, in the New York City,USA. grew up in the Flatbush and Bensonhurst neighbour-hoods

Tony Sirico said “every guy was trying to prove himself. You either had to have a tattoo or a bullet hole.”

Tony parents not known. and wife name is not known.  Sirico daughter is Joanne Sirico Bello, son is Richard Sirico his brother Robert Sirico is a priest.

Tony Sirico Weight is 93Kg. Height is 6feet 2 inches. Tony was died on 8 July 2022 in Florida,USA.

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