On 75th Independence Day Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli Share picture with Flag on their Instagram, Facebook and all social media accounts. Anushka wear white kurta and Virat blue t-shirt. There pose with the tricolor as a former extends.
Image credit- www.google.com
They both are celebrating Independence Day together. In her caption, She write Celebrating 75 years of our Independence In wishing all the Indians around the world a very#Happy Independence Day! #Jai Hind, #HarGharTiranga.
Image credit- www.google.com
Anushka Sharma
Image credit- www.google.com
Anushka Sharma Bio, Age
Profession- Indian Actress who worked in mostly Hindi FilmsDate of Birth- 1 May 1988Birthplace- Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaAge- 34 years
Profession- Indian International Cricketer and Former Caption of National Cricket TeamDate of Birth- 5 November 1988Birthplace- Delhi, IndiaAge- 33 years