Shantisree Dhulipudi Pandit has been appointed as the 13th Vice-Chancellor of JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) in New Delhi on Monday 7th February. Before being named as VC of JNU, Shantisree Dhulipudi Pandit was serving as a professor at Savitribai Phule Pune University. She taught in the department of politics and public administration at the University in Pune. Pandit has been appointed as the new VC of JNU for the period of 5 years and will be succeeding M Jagadesh Kumar, the present chairperson of higher education regulatory UGC.
Dr. Santishree started off as a brilliant student born to Dr. Dhulipudi Anjaneyulu, Author, Journalist, and retired civil servant, and Prof. Mulamoodi Adilakshmi, a Professor of Tamil and Telugu at the Leningrad Oriental Faculty Department in (then) USSR. In her higher secondary Std. 12th examinations, she stood first in the state of Tamil Nadu.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in History and Social Psychology as a Gold Medallist from Presidency College, Madras, and Masters’s in Political Science from the same college.
Her stint with the Jawaharlal Nehru University started when she obtained her pre-doctoral degree in M.Phil in International Relations from JNU in 1986, securing the first rank in the university. Her Doctorate in International relations was a thesis on “PARLIAMENT AND FOREIGN POLICY IN INDIA – THE NEHRU YEARS” which she completed at the young age of 28. Further, she went on to study Peace and Conflict Studies at Uppsala University in Sweden.
Dr. Santishree has also served as a member of think tanks, government departments, and advisory boards in the country. In 2005, she was elected as a member of the National Committee on Reconciliation. She has also served as a member of the Global India Foundation, a national-level Think Tank.
Dr. Pandit has been honored with the Woman Educator Award from Youth Forum For Gandhian Studies in 2003, Veer Savarkar Award in Pune, 2010, and Wisetex award for Women leaders in the next decade for Education in 2004.
Santishree Dhulipudi Pandit has written four books – Parliament and Foreign Policy in India Restructuring Environmental governance in Asia-Ethics and Policy and two books co-authored with Dr. Rimli Basu – ‘Cultural Diplomacy: Buddhism and India’s Look East Policy’ and ‘Retreat of the State: Implications of Drug Trafficking in Asia in 2012’.
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